I am in preparation mode for all things labor and delivery at the moment. For me, this pregnancy will make child number 10 and 11 (that I birthed) so I have a little bit of experience when it comes to the birthing process. This includes c-section, v-back, hospital births and home births alike. I’ve been asked this SO many times, so I thought I would compile a list of all the things I have found to be critical and also, my favorite at my births. I tend to be a minimalist, or at least in thought, so personally I don’t like to go overboard.

Where my babies are actually born has varied greatly. I’ve attempted water births, but never ended up in a tub at the end. There are a few things that I really loved at all my home births. I loved having warm towels heated up by the midwives for the baby and I afterwards. I really loved having a homemade chicken noodle soup (preferably without the noodles and with lots of fresh garlic and veggies. The garlic helps with milk production and also for recovery).
Weeks (and up to a month) before my due dates I would be taking Red Raspberry Leaf in capsules and also Clary Sage (very important on the brand with this product). Raspberry Leaf beginning 1-2 capsules per day working up to 4 minimum per day and continued for at least the 1st month postpartum. Clary Sage beginning one capsule per day, working up to 4-8 per day at delivery. I then will discontinue or wean off and switch to Progessence Plus (more about that later).
Peppermint oil (applied to the top of the belly) has kept or turned all my babies head down, so breech has never been an issue for me. It also helps to go potty after birth when a drop or two is put in the toilet.
Turning a posterior baby, I have had much success using Pulsatilla 200c (one time I only had access to Pulsatilla 30c & it worked just fine - just took several). I had a 48 hour back labor birth with my first vaginal birth and never wanted to do that again, so I was very thankful this homeopathic suggestion worked for other babies.
I also prefer to be very modest while giving birth and I hate those hospital gowns (fashion faux pas??). Well, at least, I don’t feel my best when wearing them, haha. My friend created a company to remedy this situation. She creates apparel that is even most hospital approved, decently cute and modest designed for labor and delivery.
Now, let’s talk about pain and endurance. One product that I have found to be a life saver at my births has been liquid vitamin C. There are numerous studies on it’s analgesic properties and I can tell you first hand, it WORKS! A liposomal version is best and I will take 1000MG per hour when in labor.
It’s not always advised or allowed to eat much while in active labor depending on where the birth takes place, but when I’ve gotten down and am feeling exhausted, a spoonful of local honey has been my go to. Sounds very simple, but the health benefits are great and again, it WORKS!
Now, my favorite essential oils for pain are listed below in order:
Valor is one I cannot speak enough about. I’ve had numerous fellow Mama friends that swore by this oil for delivery as well. Used on the back when needed, or anywhere for discomfort. My favorite place was on the back of my neck, but it could also be diffused.
Frankincense is for that lovely “ring of fire,” as the baby is crowning for the first time. It takes away that burn, but also has many great protecting properties for the baby’s head upon arrival.
PanAway is one I liked rubbed on my feet during the whole process or back.
My go to oils that I also believe should be in every good 1st aid kit are:
and Tsuga (if a different aroma is desired to rotate)

I put these on my abdomen immediately after birth to help expel, tighten and make sure too much blood is not lost. I use a combo of two different ones at a time and rotate every few hours for the 1st several days or as needed. These rockstars are lifesavers! Truly!
There is always a diffuser at my births to not only keep the air sterile, but also to keep everyone's immune systems strong during an event that can be quite taxing on everyone involved.
I always drink liquid chlorophyll as well. It has nearly all the properties of human blood, it helps to build iron, hemoglobin and all those good things back up. It's also a great internal deodorant, so there’s that too!
For after care of the lady garden, I love to use a spray product called Claraderm and also have a Peri bottle to gently spray with warm water after every toilet visit.
I also loved having what I fondly refer to as “padsicles” on hand. A padsicle is a pad soaked in herbal tea, then frozen to be used to soothe the perineum tissues and vulva after a vaginal birth. They also promote and expedite the healing process.

Arnica can also be used to help with this entire process and for those super fun aftermath contractions (that are said to be more intense with each child) I always have a product on hand called AfterEase or this is another option. I just take a dropperful with each contraction (which usually come with nursing). The way I chose to view these helps me overcome the pain. (I am thankful that my organs are doing their job to get back to normal size asap).
When the baby is born, often times those lovely hormones can be quite challenging and there are several products I have tried for this issue. I have used a product by WishGarden herbs called Rebalance. I noticed a slight difference after about a weeks worth of use. My favorite product for this is again, Progessence Plus. I noticed an immediate difference after using this regularly after and this also helped me steer clear of any baby blues.
I am SO EXCITED to get to experience this process one more time and even just thinking about a natural birth reminds me of that incredible feeling immediately following when the baby comes out of “I CAN DO ANYTHING!” And I am inspired to take on the world. There is truly nothing like it. I wish for every woman to be able to experience the birth of their dreams! It’s hard work, but is definitely a gift!
Love, love, loved all if this as former 22 year L&D RN, and current business Young Living advocate through my own business, Healthy Me...& Free. Have used so much of what you advocate for here, yet more nuggets not to be missed. Will share this far and wide!!