2020 - Perfect Vision
The year of double portion and double blessings.
I‘ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I think anytime is always a good time to re-evaluate where you are and where you’re going. In more recent years I’ve been very conscious of speech patterns and the words that I use (which I will talk about in a future post) and I would personally prefer to make a Vision board, rather than a Dream board. To me, dreams are accidental and visions are intentional.
I’ve never actually made a board like this. I decided to ask around and see what people’s personal experiences were to help decide whether or not this venture of creating one was worth my time and energy.
One of my closest friends told me that she recently found an old Vision board during a move. She had made this many years back, and like her personality, the board was very direct and intentional. The only thing she had put on it was one of those fake million dollar bills that you get in the mail. What’s amazing about this vision of being able to just go spend a million dollars was that, today, she could easily go and spend that in a day and have it not be a big deal. Every single person that I knew that had made one that I inquired about had this same experience of the aspirations they put on their boards coming true.
It’s seems to be a very valuable visualization tool and can really motivate and inspire you towards concrete daily action in pursuit of your biggest and most important life goals.
These boards can help allow you to exercise your imagination and create a more real and vivid vision of what you want your life to look like and help you develop the skills to define and shape that within your mind.
There’s not really a right or wrong way to make a board. They can be as unique as your individual personality. Like I said, my friend above just put one major focus on her board. My husband recently made a board with pictures of what he wants to happen this next year and under the pictures he put daily declarations to go along with them. Some people have have put pictures and words for each of the 7 main categories in their lives on their boards. I like the way the “Oola guys” put them: Faith, Family, Friends, Field, Finances, Fun, Fitness. With any goal in life, the more specific, the better.
What are some of your goals and visions for the future? A man without a vision will perish. What life do you want to create? My hope is that inspiration will help create intention and focus. Whatever you focus on will grow 🌱
Let’s do this!